LDC Module 2: Development Standards
Review and weigh in on recommendations for the Land Development Code!
Though Module 1 content is included in this draft, we encourage you to focus your review on the Module 2 topics:
- Article 9: Site and Structure Standards (pg. 187)
- Article 10: Mobility and Connectivity (pg. 227)
- Article 11: Subdivision Design and Improvement (Pg. 235)
- Article 12: Parking, Loading, and Access (pg. 250)
- Article 13: Environmentally Sensitive Lands and Natural Resources (pg. 275)
- Article 14: Landscaping and Buffering (pg. 295)
- Article 15: Exterior Lighting (pg. 320)
Minor revisions within Module 1 content (Articles 2-8) have been made and are described on page 17. The substantive majority of those articles have not changed since the public draft was released in July of 2023. The Consolidated Draft will incorporate revisions based on feedback received on that draft in addition to any comments received about the articles in Module 2, as well as Module 3.